
Last chance to apply and exchange learning

The Jacobs Foundation together with New America and the International Congress of Infant Studies launch the Learning Sciences Exchange, a unique cross-sector and international fellowship program designed to foster broader understanding, widespread dissemination, and better application of the insights emerging from the science of early learning. The application deadline is February 15th 2018.

The Learning Sciences Exchange (LSX) brings together 12 fellows from North America and Europe working in the field of child development in four different sectors (science, policy, journalism and entertainment). LSX Fellows will have the unique opportunity to learn from deep discussions and share important lessons with each other and the experts on the advisory board while exploring exciting issues at the intersections of science, journalism, entertainment, and policy.

Over two years, fellows will work together on projects that elevate the insights of the learning sciences for new audiences. The intent is to learn how to communicate with the public, write op-eds in teams, and advance a project related to early childhood development that would be strengthened with the infusion of ideas from talented people in other sectors. More details and how to apply for the Learning Sciences Fellowship program.