Jacobs Social Entrepreneur Fellow

Elizabeth Akua- Nyarko Patterson

Girls Education Initiative in Ghana

Primary school girls in many deprived communities in Ghana lack the reading material they need to develop literacy skills especially in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM) education.

To address this problem, GEIG has identified e- readers as a solution to unequal access to reading materials. E-readers provide near instantaneous access to reading material. However, these devices are unattainable for girls from low-income families. To address this, GEIG has committed itself to reducing the unequal access to reading material and improving literacy among girls who are already in school.
GEIG’s credo is to scale its provision of e-readers and learning support to three additional regions in Ghana by 2025. The organisation also aims to use school literacy clubs to improve digital literacy, reading proficiency and motivation among 100+ children aged 8 to 12 every year.