“We are very pleased once again to have a renowned expert on education join us on the board. Hans Ambühl’s expertise in education policy, and particularly in educational systems and education law, will offer new insights for the Jacobs Foundation and help to promote dialogue in Switzerland on policy questions and social issues,” says Dr. Johann Christian Jacobs, Chairman of the Jacobs Foundation’s Board of Trustees. “On this occasion, we would also like to express our heartfelt thanks to Ernst Buschor, who, for many years, has contributed so much to the work of the foundation. We wish him all the best for the future.”
After completing his law studies and earning a Lizentiat (master’s) degree at the University of Fribourg, Hans Ambühl was an attorney and notary with the law firm of Dr. Theo Fischer in Sursee from 1981 to 1988. From 1988 to 1999, he served as Secretary of the Department of Education and Culture of the canton of Lucerne. Since 2000, Ambühl has been General Secretary of the EDK in Bern.
The new Board of Trustees of the Jacobs Foundation as of October 25, 2013:
• Dr. Johann Christian Jacobs
(Chairman of the Board of Trustees)
Investor; Hamburg, Germany
• Hans Ambühl
General Secretary of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK); Bern, Switzerland
• Lavinia Jacobs
Art consultant; Zurich, Switzerland
• Nathalie Jacobs
Journalist; Zurich, Switzerland
• Prof. Ulman Lindenberger
Director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development; Berlin, Germany
• Dr. Auma Obama
Founder and chairwoman of the Sauti Kuu Foundation; Munich, Germany
• Prof. Marta Tienda, Ph.D.
Professor at Princeton University; Princeton, New Jersey, USA
• Prof. Laura Tyson, Ph.D.
Professor at the Haas School of Business, University of California; Berkeley, California, USA
• Dr. Olaf von Maydell
Partner at Schomerus & Partner; Berlin, Germany