Jacobs Foundation Conference

The 2017 Jacobs Foundation Conference focuses on the most relevant current and future research questions in the field of education pertaining to increasing cultural and linguistic heterogeneity. It is held at Marbach Castle at Lake Constance, Germany, from May 17 to May 19.

At the Jacobs Foundation Conference, leading researchers discuss one of the most urgent challenges for a rising number of nation states: The current as well as previous international migration movements lead to growing immigrant populations in many western countries — and to pressing demands of their incorporation. One of the most important issues is the integration of immigrants and their offspring in the education system, as educational achievement and attainment are key determinants of success in the labor market and participation in society more generally. This means that teachers, schools, and the education system as a whole face a considerable responsibility, which becomes all the more challenging in times of increasing cultural and linguistic heterogeneity.