The Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program is a globally competitive fellowship program for early and mid-career researchers aiming at improving the development and living conditions of children and youth or contributing to one of the Jacobs Foundation’s thematic priorities.
Fellowships are awarded to the most highly talented and innovative young scholars and mid-career researchers working on child and youth development. Funds from Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowships are awarded directly to the Fellow’s institution and may be used over a three-year period by the Fellow to partially cover the Fellow’s salary and for any activity supporting the Fellow’s research, such as assistant salaries, equipment, technical assistance, professional travel, or trainee support.
Scholars who engage in interdisciplinary work on individual development and learning of children and youth, and who seek to combine genetic, epigenetic, neurobiological, behavioral and social levels of analysis, are particularly encouraged to apply.
The Call for Applications is now closed.