#acaLAB: Human Enhancement and the Future of Learning

Learning in 2030, what will it be like? Acatech – German Academy of Science and Engineering and the Jacobs Foundation organize an interdisciplinary #acaLAB workshop to discuss this question with young talents from science, business and media.

The workshop takes place at Fraunhofer Institutionszentrum in Stuttgart, Germany, on 18th January 2019. Participants will discuss among other questions: What do these developments of Human Upgrading mean for the future of education – for each and every one of us, but also for our education system? What ethical, societal and economic implications do they have? How can we shape the new opportunities and challenges of Lifelong Learning in a responsible manner?

The workshop will begin with a short introduction into the work of neuro(work)scientists. Afterwards it will be likely to discuss possible future scenarios and resulting challenges for politics and society. The workshop aims at providing concrete ideas in the face of these questions: How can we advance the topic further at an early stage, with good political and social consulting in mind? What form of orientation knowledge do we need to create for our various and diverse addressees? What political needs for action, and which boundaries should we address? Which stakeholders must be involved from the outset?

Learn more: Live Blogging on Twitter

Further Reading:
