The Jacobs Foundation and the University Zurich invite you to the symposium “Productive Youth Development“ on May 28, 2014.
In spring 2014, the Jacobs Foundation and the University Zurich have announced that the Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development located at the University of Zurich will be expanded. Within the next 20 years, both partners have commited themselves to financing the new competence center with 70 Million Swiss francs. In addition to conducting research on child and youth development, the Jacobs Center will focus on combining theoretical and methodolical approaches in the fields of psychology, sociology and economics. In context of this interdisciplinary extension of the center, the Jacobs Foundation and the University Zurich host an international symposium on “Productive Youth Development“ on May 28, 2014, 09.00 a.m., at the University Zurich. At this symposium renowned scientists working in the research field of youth development will present their findings and ideas:
– Prof. Marlies Buchmann, Director of the Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, University Zurich.
– Prof. Janet Currie, Professor of Economics and Policy Affairs, Director Center for Health and Wellbeing, Princeton University.
– Prof. Silvia Bunge, Director Building Blocks of Cognition Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley.
– Prof. Charles Nelson, Professor of Pediatrics and Neuroscience, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.
– Prof. Laurence Steinberg, Professor of Psychology, Temple University, Philadelphia.
– Prof. Alexander Grob, Professor of Psychology, University Basel.
– Prof. Andrew Meltzoff, Professor of Psychology, Co-Director Institute for Learning and Brain, University of Washington.
Those interested are welcome to participate in this symposium. Further details under program flyer
Venue: University Zurich, Rämistrasse 71, Hörsaal KOL-G-217
Date: 28th May, 2014, 9.00 a.m – 7.00 p.m.